To. Caroline University
Caroline University's mission is to educate students to be global leaders in the 4th industrial revolution. We also intend to reach out to the third country by bringing them biblical message and good news.
Your donation will be used to support our mission and students for their scholarship. We have several options for your giving. You may request for your giving for special purpose.
Scholarship: You may request for your giving to be used for student scholarship for financial aids. As such you can donate specific amount or monthly.
Life Insurance or Trust: You may designate Caroline University as a beneficiary for your donation. For instance, you may designate 10% of your life insurance for donation.
Designated Scholarship: You may donate large scholarship fund in that interest rate can go to scholarship on a regular basis.
Regular Donation: You may donate at one time donation Irregular Donation: You may donate on a monthly basis.
Caroline University's mission is to educate students to be global leaders in the 4th industrial revolution. We also intend to reach out to the third country by bringing them biblical message and good news.
Your donation will be used to support our mission and students for their scholarship. We have several options for your giving. You may request for your giving for special purpose.
Scholarship: You may request for your giving to be used for student scholarship for financial aids. As such you can donate specific amount or monthly.
Life Insurance or Trust: You may designate Caroline University as a beneficiary for your donation. For instance, you may designate 10% of your life insurance for donation.
Designated Scholarship: You may donate large scholarship fund in that interest rate can go to scholarship on a regular basis.
Regular Donation: You may donate at one time donation Irregular Donation: You may donate on a monthly basis.
Method of Donation

Check: You may write a check payable to Caroline University Paypal or Credit Card:
INFORMATION OF BANK Bank of America Remittee: Caroline University Address: 3660 Wilshire Blvd Suite 320, Los Angeles CA 90010, U.S.A
Phone: 213 246 4174 Bank Name: Bank of America Account No: 3250 7796 8724 Swift code: BOFAUS3N Routing No: 121000358 Address: 3320 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA. 90019
Nonghyup in Korea Remittee: Caroline University Account: 301-0266-9475-41
INFORMATION OF BANK Bank of America Remittee: Caroline University Address: 3660 Wilshire Blvd Suite 320, Los Angeles CA 90010, U.S.A
Phone: 213 246 4174 Bank Name: Bank of America Account No: 3250 7796 8724 Swift code: BOFAUS3N Routing No: 121000358 Address: 3320 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA. 90019
Nonghyup in Korea Remittee: Caroline University Account: 301-0266-9475-41